About a decade ago an individual was mentoring me in a public school setting. Well… at least I say they were supposed to “mentor” me but about half way through this experience I simply could not take the actions of this individual anymore and quit the experience. I knew if I quit the experience it would be a very difficult to get another experience because the university officials in charge of the program warned us of that fact during orientation. In fact I believe the individual who set me up with this individual knew from the very beginning that this individual was not the best candidate for a mentoring experience but simply didn’t care and before the end of the experience I simply wanted out. In fact I returned all the items I had used and graded one morning and left a note saying I would not be returning. I had come home everyday from the experience discouraged, emotionally beat up, and felt incompetent almost in everyway in my field. What I did was never good enough to this person. When I tried to ask for input or advice on a topic I was looked down upon harshly. There was no sense of cooperation from this person. I was treated as an offensive outsider trespassing on their territory. I was treated as if I was pushed on them when they had the opportunity to say “No thank you” from the very beginning. This person might have had all the talents necessary for their field but this individual was no mentor. A mentor is someone who builds you up, helps you make corrections and adjustments, supports you when you are challenged and then steps back and let’s go so you can be all that you were meant to be but this person was cruel, unsupportive, disrespectful, unsympathetic and challenged me not just every step along the way but challenged every part of my being to try to stay positive until I was physically sick and emotionally exhausted and had hardly any joy in the field I wanted to work in.
I was not a Christian at the time. I had considered myself a “Christian” up to this point but I was not born again and did not do what I knew God wanted me to do. This person who was suppose to be mentoring me, however, was suppose to be a “Christian”. They were a member of a church and happened to be a “friend” of a friend of the family and this friend of the family happened to my Sunday school teacher in my elementary years and pastor’s wife. This family friend was also one of the very people who saw my gift at an early age and encouraged me but the person mentoring me showed me that they saw “nothing” in me by their actions.
Thank God I was confused of what a Christian was suppose to be and wasn’t looking for what a “Christian” is suppose to be or else I might had gotten very angry and said to myself, "If this is what a “Christian” is suppose to be, I want no part of it!" Thank God I had other models of what a “Christian” was suppose to be even though I didn’t see it with my worldly eyes at the time. Thank God even though I couldn’t see with me worldly eyes, my memories latched on and held onto those “Christian” actions. And God, I hope the person who was mentoring me realized what kind of witness they were not to just me but those in their field and classroom. I hope that they have had a change of heart towards others like myself. I thank God that He gave me another mentor named Mr. Ball and an assistant named Mrs. Riez, who saw me as teacher and treated me as an equal and partner and showed me I could be successful. God does bless those who mourn, for they will be comforted. God does bless those who are gentle and lowly, for the whole earth will belong to them. (Matthew 5:4-5)
For the love of Christ… love for Christ’s sake.
You are the only bible some people will ever read. You are a witness for Christ.
We are to live “clean, innocent lives as children of God in a dark world full of crooked and perverse people.” We are to “let our lives shine brightly before people.” We are to not be selfish. We are not to try to make others smaller or unimportant or make ourselves more important. We are to be humble. We aren’t only to think about our own affairs but be interested in others too and what they are doing. Your attitude should be the same that Christ Jesus had. Though he was God, he did not demand and cling to his rights as God. He made himself nothing, he took the humble position of a slave and appeared in human form. And in human form he obediently humbled himself even further by dying a criminal’s death on a cross. Because of this, God raised him up to the heights of heaven and gave him a name that is above every other name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” (Philippians 2)
And even though we are to be humble, Philippians 1:28-29 says we are not to be intimidated by our enemies. This will be a sign to them that they are going to be destroyed, but that you are going to be saved, even by God himself. For you have been given not only the privilege to trusting Christ but also the privilege of suffering for him.”
We have been given the privilege of trusting Christ… It is privilege to trust in Christ. Do you remember what it felt like to not trust in God? Were you at peace before Christ came into your life? There was hardly any peace and the peace that you did get didn’t last very long.
We are to love our neighbor as we love ourselves but that is impossible to do if we don’t have trust in Christ. “For every child of God defeats this evil world by trusting Christ to give the victory. “ 1 John 5:4
Jesus says in Matthew 5:43 “You have heard the law of Moses says, ‘Love your neighbor’ and hate your enemy. But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who prosecute you! In that way, you will be acting as true children of your Father in heaven. For he gives his sunlight to both evil and the good, and he sends rain on the just and unjust, too. If you love only those who love you what good is that? Even corrupt tax collectors do that much. If you are kind only to your friends, how are you different from anyone else? Even pagans do that. But you are to be perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect.”
Perfect love is what? God is perfect love. “God is love, and all who live in love live in God, and God lives in them. And as we live in God, our love grows more perfect. So we will not be afraid on the Day of Judgment, but we can face him with confidence because we are like Christ here in this world. Such love has no fear because perfect love expels all fear. If we are afraid, it is for fear of judgment, and this shows that his love has not been perfected in us. We love each other as a result of his loving us first. “ 1 John 4:16-19
We have all read 1 Corinthians 13,
“If I could speak in any language in heaven or on earth but didn’t love others, I would only be making meaningless noise like a loud gong or a clanging cymbal. If I had the gift of prophecy and if I knew all the mysteries of the future and knew everything about everything, but didn’t love others, what good would I be? And if I had the gift of faith so that I could speak to a mountain and make it move, without love I would be no good to anybody. If I gave everything I have to the poor and even sacrificed my body, I could boast about it; but if I didn’t love others, I would be of no value whatsoever.
Things are only useful and successful when the love of Christ is in action not us trying to do the work ourselves. One may plant and the other may water but God makes the seed grow. God let’s people see. God gives the nourishment to grow in his love.
Our faith is dependent on God. Our love that shows our faith is dependent on God. God is the one in charge not us.
All things are possible through Christ but it is for God’s glory for all things to be done. We need to be in obedience to God for Christ’s sake. We are witnessing for Christ -for the world to acknowledge Christ not us.
The moon reflects the sun, it doesn’t produce it’s own light but it shines in the night sky anyway. The moon cannot help but reflect the rays of the sun because it is in the sun’s path. That is how we are. If we are in the Son’s path, the path of Jesus Christ, we can't help but glorify Him. BUT walk off that path ever so slightly and we will only find and sit in the shadows of ourselves, like the rest of the world and how their opinions are “as” or “more” legitimate then everyone else’s.
The only opinions that really count are God’s and his opinions stand and outlast anyone else’s.
Love of Christ’s sake.
“Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. Love does not demand it’s own way. Love is not irritable, and keeps no record of when it has been wronged. It is never glad about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful and endures through every circumstance. Love will last forever.” 1 Corinthians 13:4-8
A journal of sorts... to possibly comfort, encourage and build up others in Christ Jesus.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Love for Christ’s Sake
will of God,
Monday, August 04, 2008
Defragmenting Life 4
The motivation behind acquiring possessions.
What is the motivation of the possession? Why do you want to acquire something? Do you want to impress someone? Someone who is here today and gone tomorrow? Someone who can’t accept you for who you are?
Why do you want something and what for?
You and I are to be salt to those who don’t know Christ. If we become just like the world then what is the difference between us and someone who doesn’t know Christ? Where is the savor and flavor in us?
Do we want to gain the whole world and lose our soul?
Offerings, donations and even our good deeds cannot buy God off but many have been bought off by possessions even kings, prophets, and disciples, so be careful the possessions you get, and receive don’t end up owning you and make you feel obligated to those who would exploit and use you for their gain.
We all must look to God in our dependence and confidence. We must not put trust in things or ourselves but in Him. God is constant, never changing, and full of assurance. He has endless and amazing gifts that never rot, decay, loose their value or become a chore.
What is the motivation of the possession? Why do you want to acquire something? Do you want to impress someone? Someone who is here today and gone tomorrow? Someone who can’t accept you for who you are?
Why do you want something and what for?
You and I are to be salt to those who don’t know Christ. If we become just like the world then what is the difference between us and someone who doesn’t know Christ? Where is the savor and flavor in us?
Do we want to gain the whole world and lose our soul?
Offerings, donations and even our good deeds cannot buy God off but many have been bought off by possessions even kings, prophets, and disciples, so be careful the possessions you get, and receive don’t end up owning you and make you feel obligated to those who would exploit and use you for their gain.
We all must look to God in our dependence and confidence. We must not put trust in things or ourselves but in Him. God is constant, never changing, and full of assurance. He has endless and amazing gifts that never rot, decay, loose their value or become a chore.
Defragmenting Life 3
Things acquired for a false assurance.
I think the most dangerous sign of materialism is when we start to use material possessions to replace and remove our trust or reliance on God. Some do this subconsciously, some do this because they don’t have a relationship with God and some do this because they want to find a way around God but they are only fooling themselves.
I’ll use this example: A husband and wife buy wedding rings as a symbol of their dedication, love and responsibility to one another and God. But if they buy a wedding ring not just for the symbol of commitment to one other BUT for resell value , that ring is NO longer a symbol of a loving commitment, BUT a sign that marriage is not a death to us part partnership but a temporary legal engagement.
A ring based solely on resale value and not on the symbolic meaning of commitment shows there is not just a lack of trust between this couple but also in God. The ring more or less has becomes a control issue and a false assurance. A person says in their heart that I am in charge of my life and I don’t have to be dependent on ANYONE - if things go sour. I am my own mountain. I am my own wall. I need no one. I can pawn this expensive ring for a few cold bucks in my pocket. I have never known a person who has gotten through a failed marriage with money… or anything other material possession.
What most people fail to understand is the concept that God give and God take away. Why did our parents take things away from us when we were younger? Sometimes they took things from us for a punishment but they also took things away from us because they could possibly be harmful to our lives. (I am talking about possessions only here! Not people.)
Things also happen! That ring can fall into the toilet, down the sink, or into the sea on that boat trip. Stock markets fall; cars break down and get stolen, houses rot and decay and even catch on fire. Every material possession looses its luster and money disappears. The love for possessions only adds worry for those possessions. (Matthew 6:19-34) (Luke 12:28-34)
When we try to control our lives by material possessions we are trying to replace the happiness God can give to us. If we try to have happiness only in our possessions, we will never find and live the happiness God intends for us.
I think the most dangerous sign of materialism is when we start to use material possessions to replace and remove our trust or reliance on God. Some do this subconsciously, some do this because they don’t have a relationship with God and some do this because they want to find a way around God but they are only fooling themselves.
I’ll use this example: A husband and wife buy wedding rings as a symbol of their dedication, love and responsibility to one another and God. But if they buy a wedding ring not just for the symbol of commitment to one other BUT for resell value , that ring is NO longer a symbol of a loving commitment, BUT a sign that marriage is not a death to us part partnership but a temporary legal engagement.
A ring based solely on resale value and not on the symbolic meaning of commitment shows there is not just a lack of trust between this couple but also in God. The ring more or less has becomes a control issue and a false assurance. A person says in their heart that I am in charge of my life and I don’t have to be dependent on ANYONE - if things go sour. I am my own mountain. I am my own wall. I need no one. I can pawn this expensive ring for a few cold bucks in my pocket. I have never known a person who has gotten through a failed marriage with money… or anything other material possession.
What most people fail to understand is the concept that God give and God take away. Why did our parents take things away from us when we were younger? Sometimes they took things from us for a punishment but they also took things away from us because they could possibly be harmful to our lives. (I am talking about possessions only here! Not people.)
Things also happen! That ring can fall into the toilet, down the sink, or into the sea on that boat trip. Stock markets fall; cars break down and get stolen, houses rot and decay and even catch on fire. Every material possession looses its luster and money disappears. The love for possessions only adds worry for those possessions. (Matthew 6:19-34) (Luke 12:28-34)
When we try to control our lives by material possessions we are trying to replace the happiness God can give to us. If we try to have happiness only in our possessions, we will never find and live the happiness God intends for us.
Defragmenting Life 2
Most of us buy things for enjoyment and because they make things convenient.
We buy a cell phone because it is easy to stay connected with family, friends and work. We buy zip lock bags so when we’re done with the contents in the bag we can simply throw away the bag. It saves us on having to wash out a plastic container and having to store that container when we are done. We buy computers that are easier and faster to work and play on and need less virus software. We buy stocks and bonds in hopes they will help us in the retirement years and will make it easier to help pay for our kids rising college tuition. We buy gas grills instead of charcoal grills because they are less messy and faster to cook on. We buy a universal remote for our television, DVD player, and recorder in hopes we won’t have to use three remotes or have to dig through our couch so frequently. We buy storage boxes to store all our stuff that we don’t use all the time in. We buy large flat screen televisions because they are sometimes easier to see with our aging eyes and/or because they a lot funnier to watch movies and play video games on. We buy new improved formulas, gadgets, and tools in hopes they will make our cleaning and building faster, cleaner and more energy efficient.
There is nothing wrong with convenience in our lives but it does become a problem when it starts affecting our life and those around us.
Our want for convenience affects many aspects of our lives and sometimes we partake in things of this world because of mere convenience but in seeking convenience, these things of the world “can” trip us up if we are not careful in how we use them.
Since I started with cell phones let's use cell phones as our example. Cell phones are wonderful especially if your entire network of friends and family are on the same network but cell phones have also made things of life easy to trip over.
No longer is your phone at your office desk or at home in the kitchen hanging on the wall but now is own your person or near your person most of the day. Now those who want or feel the need to call you can do so at a whim – regardless of what time it is and who you are trying to spend quality time with. There are people out there who GOT to have their “phone” fix.
I am sure the man who brought in those wild gourds, to put them in the stew he was sharing with family and guests, didn’t know they were poisonous. He brought them in out of convenience. They were close by and not too far away to fetch. (2 Kings)
Cell phones MAKE it so easy for someone to state how they are feeling without thinking their thoughts thoroughly through.
Gossip, presumption, cheating and lying, to name a few, are at anyone’s disposal if they are caught in the wrong moment and have lack of self-restraint/ control.
Some people are now apt to call out of gut reaction to something they hear or see instead of thinking the entire situation through.
Have you ever wondered how our grandparents survived without cell phones? Technology back then did not make things convenient to call whenever they had a whim. If you were upset with someone, you would either wait until you were near a phone or you would have to write a letter and in either case you had time to stop and think before it was too late and had to retrieve your foot from your mouth. Inconvenience gave the opportunity for saving grace.
Nowadays things are so immediate. You want to call someone- you can do it right then and there. You want to buy something you can do it right then and there. No longer do you have to go to the store. You can buy it right on-line or on your phone. Some grocery stores even deliver now. Some would say, “That should be a great thing! We no longer have to stand in long lines, fight traffic and spend gas money but that is also one less opportunity to shine our light for Christ and share that love of Christ with others. One less opportunity to see what God has planned to enrich our or someone else’s life.
When Paul wrote, “Your ambition should be a quiet life, minding your own business and working with your hands” (1 Thess 4:11) he did not mean we were to become hermits and secluded individuals. He was talking about staying away from situations that may lead into gossip, slander, lies, presumption and talk that is not well thought out before spoken. Talk that could not just be harmful and disrupted but sinful and not a good witness for Christ.
Things bought for convenience are great but just be careful how and when you use them.
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