“For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11
"I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my spokesman to the world." Jeremiah 1:5
It is startling to think that before we came into being, God had a plan for our life.
That should speak volumes about God’s love for us.
As an artist, I like for whatever I create to have a purpose and a future. I don’t want to create something that is going to be forgotten in a few years or stuck in a closet or an attic…
I believe God is the same way. He doesn’t create things that don’t have a purpose…. I may not understand that purpose of a mosquito but there is a reason for all the things he created.
Have you ever tried to put God in a box? How about your perceived notion of God in a box?
I find that when I try to put God in a box and tell God what He can and cannot do in my life I only put myself in a box.
A place with walls feels safe but it doesn't allow us to see or experience any further then those walls.
God never puts walls or limits upon us but we do. We are the ones that hinder God’s plans in our life when we decide what He is capable and not capable of doing in our life. We are the ones that hinder his love from touching our life.
God isn’t going to force himself on anyone. That is why he gave us a choice. He loves us too much to put walls up around us for he has a plan for our life that is without walls and limits.
That life, however, comes with trusting God not us or others.
Sometimes we put other people’s opinions over what God thinks we are capable of doing.
We believe in circumstances over what may come out of those circumstances.
We are the ones who dash our hopes.
Would a tree that is pruned ever grow back its fullness, if it were capable of holding its misery?
When we trust in God, nothing is impossible. When we trust God, it doesn’t just affect our lives but the lives of others as well.
“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Matthew 6:21
What kinds of negative things do we hang on to? What do we treasure that hinders God’s plans in our life?
Do we treasure the potholes of life over the healing rain that fills them? What would a child do in rain puddle? They would jump into it with pure joy and delight spreading it all over everyone that is near them. God isn’t about potholes but filling those potholes with his love.
I would have never dreamed up the things God has done in my life and is still doing if my life.
Remember God isn't about putting up walls in our lives but helping you tear those walls down.