In learning to drive a stick shift, there can be a lot of
jerking and grinding.
It can be pretty frustrating... Maybe learning to drive a stick shift was at first a frustrating process … because we
presumed it would be easier or maybe because we are.... perfectionists.... but how can
learning to drive a stick shift pertain to daily life and how we look at life?
If we don't look to God first thing in the morning... our morning can start off jerking and grinding... and
we might not even get out of park or even first gear. Forget coffee... without God you might as well had stayed in bed because coffee doesn't restrain what comes out of your mouth.
Some people wake up and turn on the radio or television filling their heads with garbage first... how do you think that effects your thoughts?
And they wonder why they feel so negative about life.... without God -looking at the world our righteous anger might turn to hate,
revenge, slander, bias, cursing, and violence.
God says to be angry but do not sin. Looking at the world our feelings of oppression might turn to depression,
hopelessness, self-pity, and loss of self worth.
Even our uncanny trait to presume something of the day can hinder
us like a curse. Have you ever heard
someone say, “I dread Mondays”? Why do they dread Mondays? Are they looking only to their own understanding? Where is their mindset? Presumption is assumption by us
not God and certainly not God living through us? Might as well put blinders on and not even consider what God
has for you on Mondays.
We live in a world where there is little or no certainty. The only certainty people have is in
God but what certainty do you have if you don’t have God? Where are your hopes and dreams if you
don’t have God? Can you make a positive difference if you don’t have your eyes
on God?
The world jerks and grinds enough but our soul doesn’t need
to jerk and grind with it.
God’s word says…
“Do not conform to the pattern of this world,
but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will
is- his good, pleasing and prefect will.” Romans 12:2
We might live in this disturbing world and clamors for our
attention but we need to have a spiritual disconnect from the world because if
we are Christian then our real life is hidden in Christ.
“For you died to this life, and your real life
is hidden with Christ in God.” Colossians 3:3
Stability doesn’t come from the world but God. Why do you think the founding fathers
of the United States based our country on the principles of God? They knew God
gave them stability even in uncertain times.
We can see and hear and experience the murders and the
injustices to Jews and Christians around the world but for us to function, as
God wants us to we must keep our hearts in Godly perspective where God is to
sit on the throne of our hearts.
Time is growing short for Satan so he is pulling out all he can to
corrupt the world and turn against God’s own… to steal our rights- forget the
constitution, kill the innocent and destroy what is right. But for those saved in Jesus name… we
have already WON. And we must
stand in our position Jesus Christ has WON for us.
Jesus said…
am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he will be saved, and will go in and
out and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill
and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” John 10:9-10
God says, “For I will satisfy the weary soul, and every
languishing soul I will replenish.” Jeremiah 3:25
David says, “He
refreshes my soul. He guides me
along the right paths for his name’s sake.” Psalm 23:3
God says, “Those who hope in me will not be disappointed.”
Reference: Isaiah 49:23
We have WON in our INFINITE GOD.
God being Infinite is about making things new in our
life. He isn’t stuck in thoughts
of yesterday. His mind isn’t
seasoned by days of the past. Nothing is routine or mundane with God. He isn’t even surprised by the
happenings of the day. In our
living, active, all knowing God we are not to go around and around- like some
religious merry-go-round or listening to the enticing forked tongue earworm that
works hard at trying to taint our thoughts.
We are striving to be and do what God wants us to be and
do. Seek He who is infinite,
abide in He who is infinite and FIND. Find the CHANGE of our lookout and in the CHANGE we CAN
touch those around us.
The word says the uncompromising, the righteous are as bold
as lions. [Reference: Proverbs 28:1] So do we believe it?
God who makes a NEW DAY also makes us NEW… changing us from
glory from glory. He does not save us and leave us but has given us Himself
that we might turn away from the old and be renewed and empowered!
“Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the
Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. But we all, with
unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being
transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as from the Lord, the
Spirit.” 2 Corinthians 3:17-18
He isn’t about religion but a faith that is living in the
here and now. He is about
speaking to the here and now. He
is about making things fresh in the here and now. He is the FIRE to makes the lasting flame not some flame
that goes dim in the night!
Example: If a church stays in the past, it is the same as a
mind that stays in the past- it isn’t living in the Spirit and truth for the
Spirit makes the truth come ALIVE! The truth of word of God will always remain but
the Spirit causes the truth to LIVE in US!
ALIVE IS CHANGE… it isn’t a stagnate pond that collects
blood sucking mosquitoes. It is a
river that supports life and brings life.
Our Infinite God is about NEW.
“For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun!! Do you not
see it? I will make a pathway
through the wilderness. I will
create rivers in the dry wasteland.” Isaiah 43:19
No one wants to live in the dry wasteland of ourselves, looking
for something to satisfy our souls… no one want to live off the scraps of this
world that acts like a bunch of vultures huddled around some smelly decomposing
road kill. Nor can anyone live off
yesterday. No one in their right
mind says, “let’s eat that yesterday’s manna that now has maggots gathered on
it.” Does a fresh mountain stream come
back the same way it came?
No! Only the decaying and dying do that. God’s rivers bring refreshing, nourishment and LIFE! Forests
and green pastures…
When we don’t seek God we end up flapping our wings wildly
trying to get somewhere like a mad bee trapped in a clear vase. We think we see clearly but we are stuck
behind glass of our own understanding only wasting time and energy. God says seek me and I will make you
“Though youths grow weary and tired, And
vigorous young men stumble badly, Yet those who wait for the
LORD Will gain new strength; They will mount up with wings like eagles, They
will run and not get tired, They will walk and not become weary.” Isaiah
There is only ONE remedy to all this…. there is only ONE
remedy to see and experience and live all the plans and possibilities God has
in store for each one of us. There
is only ONE remedy that will make us prosperous and will be feed, sustained and
cause our souls to flourish.
"Then the LORD your God will prosper you
abundantly in all the work of your hand, in the offspring of your body and in
the offspring of your cattle and in the produce of your ground, for the LORD
will again rejoice over you for good, just as He rejoiced over your fathers; if you obey the LORD your God to keep His
commandments and His statutes which are written in this book of the law, if you
turn to the LORD your God with all your heart and soul.” Deuteronomy 30:9
Living, heart and soul, in God’s Spirit is our remedy to
living life FRESH and NEW.
Here are some notes I have jotted down in my quiet time with
the LORD. Some these things say the
same thing but that isn’t bad… sometimes it helps us think of the same content
in a different manner.
-Ask God to refresh your soul and mind daily. Cleanse you
the grit and dirt of yesterday and the past.
-Submit to God in living in Spirit and truth.
-Let God give you the spirit you need for the task- Any
-Be Spirit guided not flesh guided.
-Go at the speed of the Spirit not the speed of your want or
-Do not try to predict or control.
-Know God will provide in what you need and in your call.
-Know there are eternal ramifications in your actions.
-Be in one accord in Spirit for a task to be accomplished
-Know God wants do something new everyday of your life.
-Know God wants us to come to the knowledge of the truth and
live in the knowledge of the truth as Christ is our mediator, teacher and
-Liberty comes with us letting go and letting God do through
Did you notice all these things speak of God doing something
new in our life?
God is not about putting you in park. God is not about you grinding and
jerking your way through life. God
is not about putting you in first gear where you hold up a line of traffic behind
you for miles. God is about letting
you find the hope, peace, joy, love and wisdom of driving with Him- where the drive is
refreshing and new and encouraging.
God we ask that you refresh our souls… guide and direct our
lives, empower us to see life not through our own limited understanding but
through your enriching infinite Spirit that causes us live this life you have
promised in abundance and boldly in you.
In Jesus name Amen.