Do ever think about your witness? If you are Christian, you probably do pretty often but it tends to be pushed aside with everyday life.
We stand in lines … grocery stores, post offices, coffee shops, county and governmental departments, movies theatres, airports, the occasional amusement/ water-park, home improvement stores, clothes stores, and pharmacies.
We sit… on buses, in planes, in carpools, in doctor and dentist offices, auto repair shops.
We imagine the day without any inconveniences. We go to A. B. C. D. and home again. We mind our own business. We get in and get out. We live in our little world… some smaller then others.
But what happens when the unanticipated happens, when the unplanned occurs, when there is a pump in the road, when the TomTom of your day unexpectedly goes wacko? When the unforeseen and unpredicted make an untimely visit? That flat tire happens? The undesirable for some reason picks you?
What do you do? What do you think?
Do you think the devil is really trying to mess up my plans today? Do you think I really have some bad luck today? Do you think God has painted a target on your backside telling the enemy- try this servant? Do you get frustrated and angry? Do you get hostile? Does fear flare up inside of you? Do you try to hide or retreat or withdraw? Do you go into panic mode or automatic “I got everything under control mode”?
Do you ever look around in those times to think maybe God has something for me to do here or has me here for a specific reason?
Maybe God wants me to talk or witness to someone? Our actions speak a lot about who we are. Our actions speak a lot about the person God has made us to be. Our actions speak a lot about God if we are willing and watchful to be his hands and feet.
We may not be some famous preacher, or evangelist, or even a great speaker but we are who God made us to be for certain moments and for specific individuals that he had chosen long in advance for us to talk and reach.
Seeds… sometimes we are just that - in a person who is willing to listen. We are seeds but with enough watering those seeds will grow and they will their FIND TRUE LIFE in CHRIST.
For some of us witnessing means we have to be bold, aggressive and strong and - boldness, aggressiveness, and strength doesn’t fit our self-description of ourselves but God disagrees.
You know there are different levels of boldness, aggressiveness and strength? God did not just put those different levels within us but he has also put grace, love, compassion and humbleness in us as well.
He made us uniquely different and that uniqueness in Christ’s love is what matters most. We all have different experiences so we may reach different individuals and God makes us qualified even when don’t share some of those different and even difficult experiences.
The people in this world are confused. They don’t know what they believe? They really struggle with the concept of faith – for one because not many of us have taken that step forward and said, “I believe because I have seen.” I believe because I had asked and it was taken care of.” I believe because what seemed impossible became possible.” I believe because I am not the same person I was before I came to Christ. I believe because I spoke to him this morning or a few moments ago."
Some of us have seen the devil, have seen demons, have seen angels, have seen Jesus Christ, had visions and dreams from God and have personally felt the power and gentleness of God.
God is real and his son Jesus Christ is real. Don’t feel shy about saying “I used to think people who talked like this were crazy but now I know what I used to doubt is REAL.” Don’t feel embarrassed to say, “Some would consider me a religious nut but craziness and hype don’t last for this LONG! In fact I remember thinking of others who spoke to me, like I am talking to you right now, were crazy or on something but now I know different”
People have no concept what is their ticket into heaven or hell. People believe things we have spoken about are as true as fairy tales. People believe that if they are a good person then they will make it to heaven. What makes them a good person? I don’t know a single person who is as “good” as Jesus Christ “who” has died for our sins so if we trust and believe in him then we will live for eternity in heaven. People don’t know their life purpose is held in the hand of Jesus Christ, if they just come to him. Not some saint or statue or tree or animal, or walking path or getting a certain number of individuals to accept their religion but Jesus Christ is they way into heaven and life. Some don't even know the power we have in Jesus Christ but that is for another time.
Unfortunately the world and its foolish ideas and false religions have confused many and they simply don’t care anymore. Their take is “whatever happens… happens.”
But Gods seeds of truth, hope and nourishment are just a few words and actions away if we stay focused and open to clues that are shared and said.
Have you ever noticed when we share spiritual matters with others, pieces of information tend to fit into a puzzle even if those pieces of information seem to be brief. Sometimes the puzzle pieces are pretty dark and sometimes they are pretty outstanding but what makes that puzzle work (to our knowledge and without our knowledge) is Christ.
Remember sometimes it isn’t always positive but if we trust God, stay humble and remain genuine we see much more about God, this world, and this life. It’s not about us. It’s about Jesus, his love and how he made a way for us to share heaven with him.
So the next time the unexpected happens. The unforeseen occurs, the untimely makes a visit or the person who you last expect to be speaking to stands in line with you or sits beside you….
Remember God makes you qualified in his life not what we think makes us qualified.
May God give you all the words and actions you need for his glory and that person's soul.
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