
Monday, May 06, 2013

Abiding in God's Love Part.3

About a week ago, as the Lord was speaking to me about His love he reminded me of the exchange he had with Peter in the book of John, Chapter 21, verses 15-19.

“Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?”
“Yes, Lord,” Peter replied, “you know I love you.”
“Then feed my lambs,” Jesus told him.
Jesus repeated the question: “Simon son of John, do you love me?”
“Yes, Lord,” Peter said, “you know I love you.”
Then take care of my sheep,” Jesus said. Once more he asked him, “Simon son of John, do you love me?”
Peter was grieved that Jesus asked the question a third time.  He said, “Lord, you know everything.  You know I love you.”
Jesus said, “Then feed my sheep….”

I thought of many different aspects of this passage.  I thought about John who quietly observed this conversation.  How there was probably the scent of fish and smoke on their clothing.  I thought about how Peter’s understanding brought tears to his eyes.  I thought about Jesus’ word use of lambs and sheep.   I thought, “Was Jesus asking me to feed and take care of his lambs and sheep?  And in what capacity does Jesus wanted me to do this in? And after reading the passage a couple times through, I noticed Jesus wasn’t asking Peter if he loved Him more anyone else love Him but He was asking Peter if he loved his family/friends more then he loved HIM (Jesus)?  Did his family and friends take precedence over Him (Jesus)?

But most of all it came down to the words….”Do you love me?”

“You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul and all your mind.  This is the first and greatest commandment.  A second is equally important: Love your neighbor as yourself.”  Matthew 22:37

Remember what I shared with you before?  I cannot love the Lord my God with my heart, my soul and my mind unless I accept and submit to God’s love first.    

1 John 4:19 says, “We love because he first loved us.”

Acceptance and submission to God’s love… is a great benefit in finding peace in all the unknowns in life... is it not?   Abiding in God’s love we are made perfect in hope, faith, and love. Note: 1 John 4:18
Do you love me?”   These red-hot words were rivets to anchor Peter to the ROCK of his faith (JESUS).  They would anchor is faith in the most difficult and trying times.   We know this because Jesus concludes this part of the exchange with:
 The truth is, when you were young, you were able to do as you liked and go wherever you wanted to.  But when you are old, you will stretch out your hands, and others will direct you and take you where you don’t want to go. Jesus said this to let him know what kind of death he would die to glorify God.  Then Jesus told him, “Follow me.”
Most people in this world find it hard to understand how death might glorify God because God is the one who is suppose to save us and heal us.  If God loves us why do Christians die?  Why do Christians suffer?   Why do Christians go through challenges and trials in life?  They don’t understand that even when bad things come in life, God can turn them into something good.  He can build a stronger relationship with a person in the trials and circumstances in life then if they went through nothing at all.  Does God still heal?  Yes!  Does God still do miracles?  Yes!  Does it mean God doesn’t love us when we face troubles in this temporary life? No! God faithfulness and love endures forever.  

What would you say if a person knew they were going to die of cancer but trusted in Jesus every step of the way down that path?  How about those who don’t give up Jesus Christ knowing they will die for their faith?  People find it hard to understand but if you know something is true, you are willing to die for it- not in hatred or prejudice but simply knowing God holds your life in his hand and even though those who hate you are probably going to take your life you are about to enter eternity in Heaven where you will get to see your Jesus face to face.  Where the streets have no names.  People find it hard to understand because they hold on to this life too much.  They put too much of an emphasis on this life then the life to come.
DO WE UNDERSTAND THIS?  Do we understand this completely and wholeheartedly?
Peter would get know God’s love in such a deep way and manner that despite painful and heart wrenching situations and circumstances of this life… these things would not measure up or budge him from his faith in Jesus Christ.  When oppressions and siftings of life were put on the scales next to God’s love, they would not be heavier then Peter’s reality of God’s love.  Peter would learn to abide in God’s love in such a deep way he probably couldn’t even imagine how deep it would be… and now God is asking us to experience that same type of love.
Christian… put your name in Simon Peter’s spot.  “_________________ , do you love me?
Life happens and people are cheated out of their lives everyday but could you say… “Thank you God that I have gotten to know your love in such a deep way that I am not afraid of death?”    

Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy…. But he can’t separate you from God’s love.  It is us that allow our selves to believe in such lies.  

Do we love God in such a degree that our sorrows would be washed away in the tide of God’s love?  Could we overlook the difficulties in life and turn them to praises and thanksgiving because we have continually sought the comfort of God’s everlasting love?  And as we have sought the comfort of God we have seen God's blessings and provisions along the way.
From the evidence I have experienced, seen and read, it is only by abiding in God’s love does one overcome adversity, fear and even death.  Clothed…. Clothed in light and love…. only by accepting, submitting and abiding in his love…

Is Jesus challenging you to accept and submit to his love in a deeper way?  Is he challenging your heart…?  Is he calling you out?  And are you living a godly life regardless of the trials and challenges because you are abiding in his love?
It is not a strong testimony to continue in the faith in amongst trials and challenges? Is it not a strong testimony to continue in the faith when this world dismisses God but you don't?

Jesus is calling…… “Do you love me?

However you want to say it... run... hide... abide in God's love.


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